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Muon Magnetism; a pathway to the new world of Physics

January 24, 2018

A team of 190 researchers at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Batavia, Illinois, will begin measuring to exquisite precision the magnetism of a fleeting particle called the muon. They hope to firm up tantalizing hints from an earlier incarnation of the experiment, which suggested that the particle is ever so slightly more magnetic than predicted by the prevailing standard model of particle physics.

10 terrific pioneering women of science history you should know

November 15, 2017

Would you struggle to name a famous Irish scientist? How about an Irish woman who broke the STEM mould? Time to educate yourself.

Chinese Paleontologist Wins 2018 L’Oréal-UNESCO Science Award

November 19, 2017

Fish paleontologist Professor Chang Meemann has won the 2018 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award 

A NASA Engineer continues to inspire

July 25, 2017

Being one of the handful of hispanic women engineers at NASA, Sandra Cauffman experienced years of prejudice before obtaining a position at NASA's Goddard Flight Centre. "Life is never easy. But the circumstances of your birth should not dictate the kind of person that you can become. You have control of your destiny, so set lofty goals with intermediate goals along the way."

Most TV computer scientists are still white men.

August 31, 2017

Google is calling on Hollywood to give equal screen time to women and minorities after a new study the Internet giant funded found that most computer scientists on television shows and in the movies are played by white men. 

Why men don't believe the data on Gender Bias in Science

August 24, 2017

A more recent study showed that science faculty at research-intensive universities were more likely to hire a male lab manager, mentor him, pay him more, and rate him as more competent than a female candidate with the exact same résumé.

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